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UI Design, HTML5 Banner ads, Social, Pinterest, Storyboarding, Web design, Billboards, Signage

As a Digital Designer at Snooze, I partnered with the Digital Marketing team to pinpoint user pain points and optimize user interface experiences. Together, we crafted the Mattress Quiz Builder, enhancing user engagement and facilitating seamless navigation towards desired purchases and products within seconds.

Illustration packs 
created as part
of Mattress
quiz builder
Quick Product pop up view

Implemented an advanced "Quick View" feature on the Snooze website's product landing page, streamlining the browsing experience by allowing users to conveniently glance at product highlights before exploring further details. This enhancement optimizes user engagement and encourages seamless navigation through the product offerings.


As a digital designer at Snooze, managing numerous eDMs was a time-intensive task, especially when creating new elements from scratch. To streamline this process, I collaborated on developing a library of reusable eDM elements that could be seamlessly dragged and dropped as smart objects into existing templates. This initiative significantly reduced design time while ensuring consistent brand representation across all communications.

Adding Mattress Filters feature

Implemented a user-friendly Mattress Filters feature across both web and mobile platforms, enabling seamless navigation for users to quickly locate and access their desired mattresses, enhancing user experience and facilitating swift conversions.

@Srujitha Gopu

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